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3 Methods To Safely Remove Gel Polish

How to Remove Gel Nail Polish at Home

3 Methods to Safely Remove Gel Polish

Removing gel nail polish at home can be daunting, but with the right tools and techniques, it's possible to do it safely and effectively. There are three main methods you can use: cotton balls and foil, acetone soak, and electric file.

Method 1: Cotton Balls and Foil

This method is similar to how you would remove regular nail polish using cotton balls and acetone. First, cut some cotton balls into small pieces and soak them in acetone. Then, place the soaked cotton balls on your nails and wrap each nail in foil. Let the acetone sit for about 15-20 minutes, and then gently push off the gel polish with an orange stick or cuticle pusher.

Method 2: Acetone Soak

For this method, you'll need a bowl of acetone and some aluminum foil. Line the bowl with aluminum foil and pour in enough acetone to cover your nails. Dip your nails into the acetone and let them soak for 10-15 minutes. Use an orange stick or cuticle pusher to gently remove the gel polish.

Method 3: Electric File

If you have an electric file, you can use it to remove gel nail polish. Use a fine-grit sanding band or bit and gently file away the gel polish in a downward motion. Be careful not to file too hard, as you can damage your natural nails.


